大学の学生有志が、例年、Oxford大学GTC: Green Templeton Collegeへ、春休みに数日の海外研修を実施します。今年は、生化学の山内教授と、衛生学の西村准教授が引率で、お二人からのUK便りです。

London および Oxford へ 今年も学生と研修旅行です✈️ Flying to London and then visiting Oxford with students.
ロンドン ヒースロー空港に到着 Just arrived at Heathrow
As soon as back to Japan, I’m visiting Oxford from Sunday evening, which has been 2 years since my great days here. It’s the present mission to escort students to take part in several educational program here together with Prof Yamauchi. We departed at Okayama 7 am and finally close 1st day now. Our hotel is St Hugh’s College, which is not luxury but comfortable. Everybody, lets start to have a good time in Oxford!
See you, UK !
無事に帰国しました! Just arrved at Tokyo(^^)